The Best of @Issue with Allan Bonner: The Environment and Health DVD


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Whether you trace environmental history to the photography of Ansel Adams, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring, Barry Commoner’s four environmental laws, the founding of Greenpeace, the Brundtland Report or any other time or event, it is surely one of the most important public policy issues of our time. Environmental matters are linked to health.

It’s appropriate that Allan devoted several hour-long TV talk shows to environmental and health matters. As a young teenager, he participated in Greenpeace protests in Vancouver, before the organization was officially founded. He was a delegate to an early UNESCO conference on the environment. Later, Allan studied environmental issues in his MSc and LLM programs.

As a consultant, Allan has worked on controversial plans to build municipal landfills, hospitals, petrochemical plants and on overfishing off the east coast and trans-border air quality issues. He has coached clients to appear in front of the energy board, and regulatory hearings on oil sands expansion.

This DVD is not for sale, but is complimentary for those who want to review how media spokespeople present environmental issues and learn from their approaches.


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