Emergency Preparedness Month in the US is in September, and I’ve put together a comprehensive package of preparedness books, podcasts, and videos to help you–at a discount of more than 50%…
Many North American locations have been experiencing record heat waves, and that’s a danger for many people. Some have died.
Come the fall it will be other severe weather events, and then snow and ice storms in the winder, and tornados in tornado alley.
I’m determined to do something about this. There are ways to address heat waves–light roofs, plantings, trees for shade, awnings and more. Many of these solutions address flooding too.
Stiffening up homes will help in tornados and other types of homes.
This and more is documented in my book Safer Cities of the Future. There’s also a detailed study of greening cities and the flaws in urban emergency plans in Cyber City Safe: Emergency Planning Beyond the Maginot Line. Writing the best crisis plan quickly is a snap with my book An Ounce of Prevention and the companion DVD with 80+ interactive diagrams, checklists, and other crisis planning documents.
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