An Ounce Of Prevention – DVD




This interactive DVD contains instructional video clips and more than 80 charts, tables, checklists, pre-written documents, forms and diagrams to help keep you safe. The checklists anddiagrams can be emailed or faxed to remote locations to guide responders. Some can even be sent to hotel banquet managers so your public meeting room, public affairs desk and workspace will be as close to what you need as possible. The interactive lists and charts can be filled in, expanded and customized to suit your needs.

Imagine your crisis plan is already more than 80 pages long just by printing out the contents of this DVD. Use this as your staff force-multiplier as is done in military applications. Give selected staff and colleagues a few of the forms each and get them customized in double- or triple-time.

Now is the time to list your assets, compile phone numbers, scout out resources and now how to mobilize when the time comes.