Leadership Bundle




“Lead, follow or get out of the way” says the poster on the office wall. “The buck stops here” says the slogan on the CEO’s desk. You decide don’t you. Do you pass the buck up to the boss…keep it away from the boss or are you the boss? Does the boss know you’re the boss? And on that leading or following stuff, you don’t need to tell the troops where you are, do you. Just so long as the job gets done.

This is the books that explains what’s going wrong in leadership. Why do up to 84 % of mergers and acquisitions destroy value? This book explains why.

You can also see and hear more about leadership when you order this leadership bundle which includes four instructional CDs and DVDs on the topic.


Wounded Leaders: How Their Damaged Past Affects Your Future $29.99

Leadership Disc 1 CD  $14.95

Leadership Disc 2 CD   $14.95

The Original SOCKOs® System CD  $14.95

The SOCKO® System DVD  $29.95


Total Value $ 104.79


Bundle price $80.99